How Jim Lost 62 lbs. in 6 Months Using Pure Plates Meals

Pure Plates Reviews

My name is Jim.

I'm 51 years old and I have type 2 diabetes.

I have struggled with my weight my entire life.

6 months ago I said enough!

I made a decision to do something about it once and for all.

I was 260 lbs.

I started trying to do a keto diet on my own and I had minimal success.

Then I found Pure Plates on Facebook.

I called em up and at first, I was a little skeptical because I've heard it all before and always wound up right back where I started.

But when I made a decision to commit to the program the weight just started falling off.

I mean literally falling off.

With minimal exercise!

Today I weigh in at 198 lbs and I am now losing 3-5 lbs a week.

In the photos below, I lost 27.8 lbs. in 6 weeks! 

Not only that but my diabetes is completely under control.

Last summer my A1c was 11.4 and now it's normal.

Thank you Pure Plates!

You have given me a whole new life.


When Jim contacted us, he had a free consultation with our Wellness Coach Leslee who put him on a  customized meal plan, and he hit the ground running with life-changing results. 

And it can happen to you as well!

We provide you with all the tools and nutritional support you need, and we’ll also hold you accountable!

Summer is upon us.

Don't go another year wishing you had done something.

Make the decision and start now!

To get your free consultation with one of our wellness coaches simply fill out the form here