Pure Plates Blog — protein

How to know if you’re eating enough protein

by Allison Tallman on

Protein is one of the most important nutrients to reaching your health goals. Eating enough protein helps you to lose weight, build muscle, increase energy, improve sleep, and lots more. Oftentimes though, it’s hard to know if we’re consuming enough protein and in general, how much protein our body actually needs. Read more

6 ways to increase protein in your diet

by Allison Tallman on

We hear it time after time: getting enough protein is important to reach our health goals. But while it’s important for our health, how do we make sure that we’re consuming enough protein each day when most of us need greater than 50 grams? Read more

How to Refuel and Recover After a Workout

by Allison Tallman on

Knowing what and when to eat after a workout is key to your success! Learn these tools (and which foods we recommend) in this latest article. Read more

Which Eggs are Healthier? Which Aren’t?

by Allison Tallman on

Purchasing eggs can be overwhelming - read this article to learn about the research behind which eggs are healthiest, which to purcase, and much more! Read more