Pure Plates Blog — healthy food

How to Prevent Cancer with Food

by Allison Tallman on

The foods we consume play a great role in our risk for developing certain chronic diseases, including cancer. In this article, we’ll share what specific nutrients to look for to help you decide which foods to consume when considering the prevention of cancer. Keep reading if you want to learn more! 

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How to Prevent Osteoporosis with Pure Plates

by Allison Tallman on

In the United States, an estimated 10 million people age 50 years and older have osteoporosis. It's important to know how to prevent or manage osteoporosis, and to know that it can be done THROUGH FOOD (and lifestyle). Learn more about this and foods recommended to prevent osteoporosis in this week's article.

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Low Potassium: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

by Allison Tallman on

What is potassium and what does it do for our body? What foods, outside of bananas, have potassium in it? How do I know if I'm getting enough potassium? Find out more in this article on potassium by Pure Plates! Read more

What you need to know about store bought yogurts

by Allison Tallman on

Yogurt can be beneficial to eat for some, however, only when you choose the healthy ones! There are so many unhealthy yogurts out there that should be avoided. Learn more about how to incroproate yogurt (if you choose to!) in this blog post. Read more