Pure Plates Blog — Healthy Fat
Does fat really make you fat?
Does eating fat, make us fat? Read more
Dietary Fats - the difference between the good and the bad
Good fats vs bad fats - what's the deal? What should you be including vs not? We point out the truths vs the myths related to fats in your diet and which foods we recommend. Read more
Healthy Meals Delivered
Meal delivery services like ours are in a unique position: we are poised to spark massive health changes across the country if we can actually deliver results. Unfortunately, meal delivery service companies can fall into the trap of profits first and people second. If you want to save time and get healthier, invest time into finding a meal delivery service that is fully invested in your health -- first and foremost. Read more
NEWSFLASH! Fat Does NOT Make You Fat
We get people who come into our stores all the time looking for a meal and when we ask them what they’re looking for often we’ll hear, “something low fat.” This is not uncommon. Read more